Website Reay Primary
The governors of Reay Primary School are seeking to appoint an experienced and committed leader to be our headteacher.
Reay is a vibrant, popular, friendly and diverse school which is proud of its creative approach to the primary curriculum.
The school was judged Outstanding by Ofsted in 2017 but a recent ungraded inspection recommended a further Section 5 inspection; to date, this has not happened.
Although there are falling rolls in Lambeth owing to a drop in the population, Reay’s popularity in the local community means that it has so far maintained its roll.
We are looking for a headteacher who:
- is a strong, experienced leader
- understands children and knows how to encourage a love of learning
- has uncompromising commitment to high expectations for all pupils, so that they can all achieve their full potential
- understands the challenges and joys of leading an inner-city, multicultural school
- has excellent communication skills and can lead the whole school community with commitment and enthusiasm
- has a sound vision for continuous improvement which can build on Reay’s strengths and take Reay into the next stage of its development
- has excellent and extensive teaching experience in the primary sector
- has experience of building respectful working relationships with all staff, with care for their wellbeing
- has proven organisational skills and knows how to manage a budget, including making difficult decisions to balance it.
We can offer you:
- a creative school with a strong community spirit which celebrates its multicultural make up
- a supportive governing body; loyal parents and children with a deep affection for the school
- unique links with London’s wider creative community – providing amazing opportunities for our children