Teaching In Lambeth
There are excellent schools in Lambeth, which have helped to raise educational standards in recent years.
More than 93% of primary and secondary schools in Lambeth were judged ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ in recent Ofsted inspections (41% outstanding) and all schools are improving year on year.
Alongside mainstream provision, Lambeth has five state funded special schools (one primary, one all through school and three secondary schools), which are all rated ‘good’ by Ofsted.
The high quality of education in Lambeth supports young people to achieve to the best of their ability and develop skills for adult life.
Teaching in Lambeth makes you part of that success.
Schools in Lambeth
There are 86 Lambeth schools with a total of nearly 36,000 pupils.
There are five nursery schools, 61 primary schools and 13 secondary schools with five special educational needs schools and two pupil referral units.
Our schools are diverse and multicultural; over 55% of our children speak English as an additional language. 150 different languages are spoken by children in our schools with Portuguese, Somali, Spanish, Yoruba and French being the most common after English.
We really are the world in one borough!
This means that as many as one in three pupils in the borough do not have English as their first language, but this does not prevent Lambeth schools from having excellent GCSE results which place them amongst the best in London.
Lambeth schools range from small ‘village-like' schools to large urban schools and are uniformly vibrant and exciting places to be.
As we’ve said, inspections and exam results show that they are also consistently high performing and attainment is far higher than the national average.
The range and type of schools, together with the diversity of the obstacles that the pupils in Lambeth face, mean that teaching in Lambeth is a unique opportunity to be part of a challenging but high-performing education service.
And the children at Lambeth schools love coming to school.
Video - Why do pupils like going to school in Lambeth
Teaching in Lambeth – Exciting and Rewarding
Knowing that the schools in Lambeth are vibrant and high performing and that the pupils are keen to learn is one side of the coin, but what’s it like to teach here day to day?
Firstly, the pay is good.
Starting salaries for teachers in Lambeth are £29,000, considerably more than in the outer-London boroughs and the fringe.
And then there’s the upside of being in one of London’s most invigorating areas with great cultural attractions and ‘get anywhere’ transport links.
All Lambeth schools are easy to get to, so your journey to work should be stress free. Our borough is served by an excellent public transport network of mainline stations, Tube links and bus routes.
The demographics of the borough also give the area a youthful bias.
That’s great for young teachers looking for an exciting part of London in which to live and work, but it also impacts on the nature of teaching in Lambeth.
The population of Lambeth is growing, by 20% in the last ten years, and the average age is 31.
This means that our schools are increasing in number and in size and this provides plenty of opportunities for teachers to develop their careers within the borough.
More children means more teachers and the borough is investing heavily in the futures of all children in Lambeth with the Lambeth Made project.

Lambeth Made Lambeth population credit – Lambeth Made
This is a flagship project that will bring together all our energy, enthusiasm and resources across the public sector, local business, the third sector and the wider community to make sure that every child in Lambeth has the chance to have the best possible start in life.
In Lambeth we are lucky to be so close to many places of interest and opportunities for educational visits. Everything is on the doorstep or just a short tube ride away.
Lambeth is home to the South Bank and all the attractions it has to offer, the Imperial War Museum, the Oval Cricket Ground, the London Eye, the London Aquarium and not to mention an abundance of green space.
Due to the proximity of all that London has to offer, Lambeth schools encourage creativity and have close links with some of the top London theatres and arts providers. Our schools regularly take part in projects with the National Theatre, the Royal Ballet, The English National Opera and the Old Vic, to name just a few. In addition, our children regularly perform on stage at the Royal Festival Hall in our annual Lambeth Music Festival led by top class tutors and expert music teachers.
Additionally, Lambeth has first class training and support so that every teacher in Lambeth has excellent access to continuing professional development.
Lambeth Schools Partnership Working
All Lambeth schools work in geographical clusters so that we all get to know each other!
School leaders, teachers and other staff work together to create joint projects and programmes to enrich the curriculum for our children and young people. Each cluster also offers professional development opportunities through forums and support groups for all members of staff.
The partnerships also commission services to provide a secure base from which to operate and to be accountable for the quality of education and the standards achieved across the partnership.
These partnerships also give additional support for schools in purchasing and retaining good quality and experienced educational support services.
There are excellent schools in Lambeth, which have helped to raise educational standards in recent years.
More than 93% of primary and secondary schools in Lambeth were judged ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ in recent Ofsted inspections (41% outstanding) and all schools are improving year on year.
Alongside mainstream provision, Lambeth has five state funded special schools (one primary, one all through school and three secondary schools), which are all rated ‘good’ by Ofsted.
The high quality of education in Lambeth supports young people to achieve to the best of their ability and develop skills for adult life.
Teaching in Lambeth makes you part of that success.
Schools in Lambeth
There are 86 Lambeth schools with a total of nearly 36,000 pupils.
There are five nursery schools, 61 primary schools and 13 secondary schools with five special educational needs schools and two pupil referral units.
Lambeth is also home to three teaching schools and the only research school in London.
Our schools are diverse and multicultural; over 55% of our children speak English as an additional language. 150 different languages are spoken by children in our schools with Portuguese, Somali, Spanish, Yoruba and French being the most common after English.
We really are the world in one borough!
This means that as many as one in three pupils in the borough do not have English as their first language, but this does not prevent Lambeth schools from having excellent GCSE results which place them amongst the best in London.
Lambeth schools range from small ‘village-like' schools to large urban schools and are uniformly vibrant and exciting places to be.
As we’ve said, inspections and exam results show that they are also consistently high performing and attainment is far higher than the national average.
The range and type of schools, together with the diversity of the obstacles that the pupils in Lambeth face, mean that teaching in Lambeth is a unique opportunity to be part of a challenging but high-performing education service.
And the children at Lambeth schools love coming to school.
Video - Why do pupils like going to school in Lambeth
Teaching in Lambeth – Exciting and Rewarding
Knowing that the schools in Lambeth are vibrant and high performing and that the pupils are keen to learn is one side of the coin, but what’s it like to teach here day to day?
Firstly, the pay is good.
Starting salaries for teachers in Lambeth are £29,000, considerably more than in the outer-London boroughs and the fringe.
And then there’s the upside of being in one of London’s most invigorating areas with great cultural attractions and ‘get anywhere’ transport links.
All Lambeth schools are easy to get to, so your journey to work should be stress free. Our borough is served by an excellent public transport network of mainline stations, Tube links and bus routes.
The demographics of the borough also give the area a youthful bias.
That’s great for young teachers looking for an exciting part of London in which to live and work, but it also impacts on the nature of teaching in Lambeth.
The population of Lambeth is growing, by 20% in the last ten years, and the average age is 31.
This means that our schools are increasing in number and in size and this provides plenty of opportunities for teachers to develop their careers within the borough.
More children means more teachers and the borough is investing heavily in the futures of all children in Lambeth with the Lambeth Made project.

Lambeth Made Lambeth population credit – Lambeth Made
This is a flagship project that will bring together all our energy, enthusiasm and resources across the public sector, local business, the third sector and the wider community to make sure that every child in Lambeth has the chance to have the best possible start in life.
In Lambeth we are lucky to be so close to many places of interest and opportunities for educational visits. Everything is on the doorstep or just a short tube ride away.
Lambeth is home to the South Bank and all the attractions it has to offer, the Imperial War Museum, the Oval Cricket Ground, the London Eye, the London Aquarium and not to mention an abundance of green space.
Due to the proximity of all that London has to offer, Lambeth schools encourage creativity and have close links with some of the top London theatres and arts providers. Our schools regularly take part in projects with the National Theatre, the Royal Ballet, The English National Opera and the Old Vic, to name just a few. In addition, our children regularly perform on stage at the Royal Festival Hall in our annual Lambeth Music Festival led by top class tutors and expert music teachers.
Additionally, Lambeth has first class training and support so that every teacher in Lambeth has excellent access to continuing professional development.
Lambeth Schools Partnership Working
All Lambeth schools work in geographical clusters so that we all get to know each other!
School leaders, teachers and other staff work together to create joint projects and programmes to enrich the curriculum for our children and young people. Each cluster also offers professional development opportunities through forums and support groups for all members of staff.
The partnerships also commission services to provide a secure base from which to operate and to be accountable for the quality of education and the standards achieved across the partnership.
These partnerships also give additional support for schools in purchasing and retaining good quality and experienced educational support services.