Website Dunraven School
Please apply for this position through the Dunraven School E-Teach recruitment page
Based at Dunraven, the school’s aim is “Excellence for All” and the Trustees wish to appoint a candidate of significant ability and enthusiasm, aware of and stimulated by the challenges and potential of a successful multi-ethnic co-educational school and keen to share in the leadership of our All Through Provision.
Dunraven Educational Trust was established in 2016. DET is a trust committed to one overarching aim: excellence for and from everyone. This is an expectation for both the children and adults in a school community. It is achieved in a variety of ways according to the context of each school but within the clear framework established by the Trust.
We want an educational experience which provides excellence for – and expects it from – everyone. We know that this is best achieved in a school where:
- the offer is broad, balanced, inclusive, enriching and effective in meeting the needs of young people;
- staff and students are supported and challenged to be the best versions of themselves;
- relationships are positive, well established and healthy;
- practice is based on evidence and underpinned by the notion that ‘we can always do better’.
We are clear that this supports the development of children and young people (and adults) who are: resilient, courteous, optimistic, hardworking, self-disciplined, enthusiastic and creative.
Dunraven School’s results are strong, remaining well above national averages and representing positive ‘value-added’. Recognition of its marked progress has been significant and its journey as a school is important to us. For example:
- in February 2011 we were designated as both a National Support School and a Leading Edge School;
- in August 2011, we converted to Academy status;
- in 2012 we began our development as an All Through School with children starting in Reception in September 2013;
- in summer 2013 our £20 million BSF programme was completed;
- in 2016 we were designated as a National Teaching School and an Academy Sponsor. The Dunraven Educational Trust was established;
- in September 2018, our Multi Academy Trust was formally set up with the integration of Van Gogh Primary, followed by Goldfinch Primary school in January 2019 and The Elmgreen School and Rosendale Primary School in September 2021
- In April 2023 we were judged as Good with Outstanding Features (Sixth Form and Personal Development) by Ofsted.
If you are successful in your application, you will share in the leadership and management of a staff who are hard working, committed, positive in outlook and dedicated to the achievement of our students. We offer:
- a high standard of professional practice, with bespoke in-house CPD provision, and affiliation to nationally recognised courses and providers (SSAT, Teaching Leaders, Future Leaders, NPQs);
- clear pathways for career development and progression with a proven track-record of success in developing leaders;
- a supportive and collegiate environment, with regular staff social and sporting activities (such as yoga, football and House events);
- excellent opportunities for leading work with external partners (National Support School, National Teaching School);
- a culture of high trust and accountability that values creativity and innovation, leading practice locally and nationally in a range of fields.