Herbert Morrison Primary

Hartington Road, London SW8 2HP


Herbert Morrison is a one form entry primary school with a Nursery Class.

We are a small school with an inclusive, supportive family attitude and a commitment to excellence. We ensure high expectations are maintained by enabling our children and staff to develop the enthusiasm and confidence to learn and achieve.

We aim to provide a safe, inclusive, challenging and stimulating learning environment where everyone is valued, and children thrive by:

  • Developing independent thinking skills and encouraging children to believe in their own ability
  • Giving regular feedback on learning and setting challenging targets for improvement
  • Expecting high standards of teaching and learning through inspirational leadership and everyday excellence
  • Offering a creative, inclusive and stimulating curriculum in line with the National Curriculum requirements
  • Providing social, moral, spiritual and cultural learning opportunities and develop common values for responsible citizenship
  • Ensuring knowledge and understanding of races and religions which develops respect for the cultural diversity in the school and the wider world
  • Furthering every adult’s professional development
  • Working in collaboration with parents, the community and local cluster of partner schools

Herbert Morrison Primary is part of the Wyvern Federation, along with Ashmole Primary, Vauxhall Primary and Wyvil Primary

Number of Pupils: 220
Ages: 3 - 11 years
Gender: Boys
Type of School: Maintained School

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