Ashmole Primary

Ashmole Street, London SW8 1NT


A determination to deliver the best academic outcomes for each pupil whilst providing excellent opportunities for them to discover their talents in the wider curriculum is central to our vision. We have established partnerships with a number of high quality organisations, including Music Masters & Surrey Cricket Club at Oval Cricket Ground.

Ashmole is a community school, with a family feel and the welcoming and inclusive environment attracts families from many cultures and backgrounds. The school successfully provides for a wide range of learners including those with Special Educational Needs, as well as more able pupils who achieve standards that are greater than those expected nationally in their academic subjects.

Pupils are supportive of each other and their positive behaviour, both in and out of lessons, is a strong feature of our success.

Together, we are a school that does not stand still, a school that strives for the very best for its children, and above all, a happy, vibrant and exceptional school that prides itself on serving the local community.

Ashmole prides itself on being a community school, with a family feel, that is often commented upon by visitors to our school.

Ashmole Primary is part of the Wyvern Federation, along with Herbert Morrison Primary, Vauxhall Primary and Wyvil Primary

Number of Pupils: 230
Ages: 3 - 11 years
Gender: Mixed
Type of School: Community

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